There’s an explorer inside us all!
There’s an explorer inside us all waiting to be unleashed!
Can you really call yourself a traveler if you haven’t explored your own backyard?
We love exploring new locations, but now is the perfect time to look at your backyard with a new perspective – there’s more to do within an hour of your house than you realise. Start thinking like a tourist and turn your next outing into an adventure you’ll never forget.
Pop into the Visitors Centre or explore the website for local attractions. Have you seen everything on the list? Are there museums nearby that you’ve overlooked? Is there a new playpark in a neighbouring town? Is there a historic site you’ve never visited? It’s easy to get busy with daily life and forget to be a tourist in your own backyard!

Get out there and cast your eyes over peaceful lakes and geological rock formations, delve into sustainable farming at local markets, adventure along tracks and trails, meander through bushwalks and say hello to an abundance of wildlife who are lucky to call the Rural City of Wangaratta home.
Find your next mini adventure, get to know your backyard, and help our region get back on its feet!